Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Sound Project

 Sound Project

   During this lesson I learned about all different types of sounds that can be used, and when they are best used. I also learned about foley sounds, which I found so interesting. I loved seeing how a lot of sounds are made and how creative foley sounds can be. 

   The directions for this project were to create a a scene with only sounds, no visuals at all, and the scene was supposed to be 1 minute. We also could only use 7 words or less in our project, so it was mainly sounds. We had to create at least 4 foley sounds, and we were given sound effects databases to help us find audios for the project. 

   During brainstorming me and my partner came up with the scene we were going to do. For our outline we wrote the scene and what audios that were going to be used, the outline was super helpful because it gave us an idea of what to look for and we were able to mark it off once we found the audio we liked. The editing app that I used was Premiere Rush. 

   I think something that we did well was finding the audios and putting them together well, I think they all came together to make a good and realistic audio. On the other hand, my foley sound could've been better, I opened and closed the car door and then opened and closed the trunk, but I think I could've picked another audio to do foley and done something more creative. I also think I need to work on editing better, while I don't think it was terrible, it was definitely not the best.

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