Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Character Development

 Character Development

     Hey everyone! Today I'm going to introduce you to our main character, Dr. Hank Shabata! 


   Doctor Hank is a 48 year old white male. As a child, he was always neglected by his parents, since they had to work a lot to make good money as a low middle class family. Him never getting the attention he wanted from his parents caused him to develop serious behavioral issues, and he started to do things to try to catch their attention. When playing in his backyard he would find animals, like frogs, and torture them, he would cut them open, cut their body parts off, like legs and arms, and he would do scientific experiments on them as well, all while they were still alive. Since he grew up in the low middle class, he's always had an obsession with having and making money, seeing his family struggle wasn't easy. He attended an all boys private school, and was super intelligent, having straight A's in all classes. His teachers were very strict, which led him to always be organized and on top of his work, but when it came to torturing animals or doing any other psychotic behavior, he would always find a way to not get caught, considering how smart he was. He chose to become a doctor because of his obsession with money, he’s always wanted a job that makes a lot of money, and since he’s extremely smart, he chose to become a doctor. 

     How people view him vs. How he is 

   From an outside perspective he is a very “normal” person. He’s polite and sweet and caring, he’s funny and smart. No one knows what he does and how his mind works, only him, which makes it a lot easier to keep doing it, having the knowledge that he won’t get caught. 


- tall 

- old 

- dark hair 

- dark eyes 

     Mood Board

     This is a mood board that we created for Dr. Hank. It shows his personality and interests. The hospital, doctor, doctor with patients, and the stethoscope represent his profession. The money bills represent his obsession with money and health. The paper with the A+ grade represent him as a student and how smart he is. The pills and medicine represent how he will make pills and medicine to keep his patients sick. The guy sitting alone with many thoughts represent him, and his inner issues, like how he feels alone because he was neglected by his parents. 

     Developing Dr. Hank 
   Developing Dr. Hank wasn't easy. Me and my group went back and forth on many ideas that we had about this character, for example, we were first going to make him a woman, but later on decided that we want him to be a man. We also had to develop his personality, mental issues that he has, his looks, his background and childhood, his job, how he portrays himself to the public and how he truly is, and how they differ from each one another. Doing all this wasn't easy, it took a lot of work and thought. 

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