Saturday, February 8, 2025

Research of my Choice

 Research of my choice 

     Heyy everyone! For this blog post I can research anything I want to and I decided to research Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which is a mental health condition where someone falsely claims that another person is sick. This connects to our movie because the main character, Dr. Hank Shabata, keeps his patients sick. 

     Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

   Münchausen syndrome is a mental health condition when someone falsely claims that another person has physical or mental illnesses, or causes injuries or diseases in someone else to deceive others. They do this to someone usually under their care, like their own child usually under the age of 6 years old, their patient (if they're a doctor), someone with a disability, or someone older than 65 years old. Making false health claims is very dangerous to the persons health. They may be receiving treatment or given medicine that they don't need, which will make them sick and affect their health. 

   Some complications that may be caused from this disorder include: injury or death from the medical conditions or treatment that they receive, health issues from medicine, injections, or surgery that they receive when they are not needed, loss of organs or limbs from the surgeries, misuse of alcohol and other substances, and abuse. 

   Though there is no cause to this disorder, studies show that motivation to perform these behaviors may include: past trauma, abuse, or neglect, loss of a partner or caregiver, extreme stress, and wanting attention from others. 

   Some symptoms that these people might have include: telling a healthcare provider that someone under your care is experiencing symptoms and health issues that they aren't, physically harming someone to make them look and feel sick, changing someone's results of a diagnostic test, and interfering with someone's treatment plan to prevent them from getting better. 

   This condition can cause the person under their care serious health problems. These people receiving treatment are not sick, but are treated as if they are, they receive multiple treatments, take medicine, get injections, it might even go to the extreme of getting surgery, all this while they don't need it. The person taking "care" of them might even abuse them physically and mentally to make them look sick and to get them the treatment. 

   One example of this is Dee Dee Blanchard, she claimed that her daughter Gypsy Rose Blanchard, had many health issues and conditions. She faked her daughters illnesses for many years, and it only came to an end when Gypsy had her boyfriend kill her mother. 

The Story of Gypsy-Rose Blanchard and Her Mother



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