Thursday, February 13, 2025

Project Idea/Plot

 My Project Idea/Plot

     Hello there! After researching on genres, me and my group decided to do our portfolio project on horror/mystery. It took a couple of ideas to come up with the one we're actually using. We had a stalker idea, which was inspired in "Pretty Little Liars", and a killer one, which was inspired in "Dexter", but we ended up choosing do to it on a psychotic doctor inspired in "The Act", which is about a real story, about Gypsy Rose, and how her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard, made her sick and kept making her sicker and sicker by the day. 

     Me and my group's idea for the whole film is to show this doctor how keeps his patients sick. He seems like a normal person, and no one can tell he's psychotic and enjoys keeping people sick. Throughout the film the audience will see the doctor add marbles to a jar, and each jar represents a patient, and every time he adds a new marble it means that he gave that certain patient medicine to keep them sick, and that's how he keeps track of how sick each of them are. The marbles are very important to the plot, in the beginning people won't know what they mean and will be confused, until they later find out what it means. The doctor also makes his own medicine to give his patients, and throughout the movie we will see him making those. The whole movie will show both sides of him, the "good" and the psycho. It will show him being completely normal and helpful and then him being horrible and making his patients sick. One day a patient will come into the ER throwing up thinking it might just be a stomach bug or food poisoning, the doctor will give him some prescriptions, and the patient will go home. He will come back after a week throwing up blood this time, the medicine made him feel worse, they will find our he needs surgery, and they will perform surgery on him, after that he needs to stay in the hospital for recovery, and while "recovering" the doctor keeps giving him unnecessary medicine that makes him sicker and sicker, until it gets to the point that he can't stand up or even talk. One day a nurse is walking by his room and sees the doctor giving him the medicine, and she finds it strange, she's that patients nurse so she knows what he needs and the medicines that he takes. She starts to stay with that patient 24/7 taking care of him, so the doctor doens't have alone time with him to make him sick, and he begins to get better, that's when the nurse realizes what the doctor was doing, and calls the cops. The cops come and investigate the doctor, and do drug tests, and other tests on all his patients and find out what he's doing, so he gets arrested. After that all his patients get better and win a lot of money after suing him for what they had to go through, they all go back to their normal lives while the doctor is sentenced to life in prison. 

Cute doctor girl cartoon character Vector illustration in cartoon style |  Premium AI-generated vector

     The first two minutes of our film opening will start by having a black screen with the title of the film "One More Marble" and then the noise of a marble falling into a glass jar will appear and after that it will show the doctor's hands while he prepares the medicine, it will show him adding marbles to the jars, and the patients files, which is where we will add the credits. He has a room in his house where he prepares it all and then it shows him leaving that room, to a completely normal and beautiful house, then he goes outside and puts his lab coat on, and receives a call form the hospital in which eh works saying there is an emergency and they need him at the ER as soon as possible. 

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Group Meeting #2

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