CCR Question #3
How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
My production skills improved tremendously throughout this project, both technically and creatively. This project made me realize how hard it is to produce a film, but it also made me learn many new techniques for filming, editing, and producing. Working in a group was very very helpful, we all have different skills and are good at doing different things, which was very helpful so that we could work together and all do something that we're good at to come up with the best project we could. One thing that was challenging was editing, none of us are really good at it or enjoy doing it, but we came together to do it, and it turned out pretty good. We did it on my iPad, and we each took it home for about a week to work on it. Producing this film also made my creative side come out more. I had to get creative and improvise on a lot of things, like props, some of the props we used we came up with at the last minute, like the binder, we used my binder for psychology class, and we also had to improvise for the light, because at first we we're going to use this lamp that Gigi has, but it was way too bright, so I have to get this ring light from my brother's room, which we also planned on using but only for the red light, but we ended up using it for the whole opening.
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