Friday, March 14, 2025

Group Meeting #2

 Group Meeting #2 


Idea #1- Emi's first idea for her CCR is to make an unboxing video, where she is the actress to her film, and she's opening fan letters, gifts, etc. The CCR questions will be written in the letters as if a fan is asking them, and she will answer them. 

Idea #2- Her second idea is to do an interview. 


Idea #1- His first idea is to do a street interview, where a guy will come up to him while in his car and ask what he does for a living, then ask him the 2 CCR questions. 

Idea #2- A YouTube video, where he will be holding the camera and talking to his viewers about his movie and telling them to watch it.


Idea #1- She's doing a "What's in my Purse" video, she will take out props from the movie and talk about it.

Idea #2- She doesn't know what she's doing for her second video yet.


Idea #1- Her first idea is to make a video where she is the producer, and just got out of surgery, and her surgeon asks her questions about her new famous movie. 

Idea #2- Her second idea is to film a review on the movie, where she will also be talking about all the hate that her and her movie are getting. 


Idea #1- Sofia's first idea is to make a news channel, where there's going to be breaking news, and the breaking news is her movie. 

Idea #2- Her second idea is to have a baking channel, she will bake and answers questions about her movie. 

     My CCR ideas 

Idea #1- My first idea is to make the producer, me, into a witness in a trial. The lawyer will ask what I do for a living and then ask me questions about the movie, where he'll ask me the CCR questions and I will answer them.

Idea #2- My second idea is to make a video as if I'm stuck somewhere, and I'm not going to make it out alive. I talk about my film and answer two CCR questions. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR Question #4

 CCR Question #4

     What technologies did you integrate- software, hardware, and online?

   We integrated a lot of technology while producing our two minute film opening. For software we used Premiere Rush to edit our two minute opening. I don't enjoy editing at all nor am I good at it, but this is one of the only apps who I not only enjoy using, but it's easy to use. 

Adobe Premiere Rush Learn & Support

For hardware we used my iPhone 15 Pro Max to record, and we used a tripod to stabilize it. Most of the time during recording we were hand holding the tripod to give it a more shaky and creepy look. I wish someone in my group knew how to use or had a camera, but none of us did. It would've been super helpful and our quality would've been better, but I feel like even with an iPhone it was pretty good. 

Apple unveils iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max - Apple

For online we used pixabay to find all our audios, except for the foley ones of course. This website was incredibly helpful throughout out filming process, it truly had any and every audio that we needed. It came very in handy and it saved us a lot of time since we didn't have to search for every audio individually on different websites. 

Pixabay - Free social media icons Pixabay. “Pixabay.”, 2024,    

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

CCR Question #3

 CCR Question #3

     How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

   My production skills improved tremendously throughout this project, both technically and creatively. This project made me realize how hard it is to produce a film, but it also made me learn many new techniques for filming, editing, and producing. Working in a group was very very helpful, we all have different skills and are good at doing different things, which was very helpful so that we could work together and all do something that we're good at to come up with the best project we could. One thing that was challenging was editing, none of us are really good at it or enjoy doing it, but we came together to do it, and it turned out pretty good. We did it on my iPad, and we each took it home for about a week to work on it. Producing this film also made my creative side come out more. I had to get creative and improvise on a lot of things, like props, some of the props we used we came up with at the last minute, like the binder, we used my binder for psychology class, and we also had to improvise for the light, because at first we we're going to use this lamp that Gigi has, but it was way too bright, so I have to get this ring light from my brother's room, which we also planned on using but only for the red light, but we ended up using it for the whole opening. 

     Film Crew: Over 3,284 Royalty-Free Licensable Stock Illustrations & Drawings  | Shutterstock

Monday, March 10, 2025

CCR Question #2

 CCR Question #2

     How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

   My film engages with the audience by providing psychological elements, such as giving the audience an insight to Dr. Hank's mind, and why he thinks the way he thinks, and why he does the things he does. It would make the audience connect with him, even if it's in a negative way. Another way in which my film could engage with the audience is by making them questions medicine, and question doctors, and their intentions. It would make them wonder how many doctors are just in it for the money. Doctors are seen as heros, and they are, but some of them don't care about their patients or their health, they only care about the money. 

Doctor With Money Illustration Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, and  Stock Illustration. Image 62380225.


     I will distribute my film as a real media text by first trying to get it in a film festival, like the Miami Film Festival to enter this festival you submit your film and wait for it to get approved, the festival happens April 3-13, which gives the audience 10 days to watch the movie there. Another way in which we would try to get it distributed is by trying to get it on bigger platforms, such as Netflix and Prime Video, this would be amazing because everyone uses these platforms, so getting our film there would be huge for us. 

Netflix Streaming service logo set. Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, HBO Max,  Disney, Apple TV, Peacock, YouTube icons. Vector editorial illustration  Stock Vector | Adobe Stock

Thursday, March 6, 2025

CCR Question #1

 CCR Question #1 

     Hi blog! Today I'm starting my posts about CCR, I'm honestly a little scared about it since we have such little time and I'm also not the most creative person... We need two videos and they both answer two CCR questions, and we have to make our videos unique and something that represents us. I'm in mock trial and I want to be a lawyer so I thought I could do my first CCR video as if it is a court trial, where I'll be a witness and my lawyer will ask me questions, and two of them will be the CCR questions. For my second idea I thought I could do something related to football, since I'm the assistant manager for my school's football team, but I don't know how to relate that to being a film producer, I also thought about making a hand-held video where I'm stuck somewhere, and I'm going to be talking to the outside world, as if I'm not going to make it out alive, and talking about my movie. I still don't know which of the two I'm going to choose, but as soon as I do, I'll post about it!

     How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? 

   My film is about a doctor, called Dr Hank Shabata, who keeps his patients sick for his own personal pleasure. The genre is suspense and horror, we portray these genres in our two minute opening by using darker lighting, suspense audio, and by not giving too much information on the actual film, which creates suspense. 

What Is A Thriller? | The Thriller Blog

   One social issue that this movie presents is that it critiques the healthcare system. It represents how sometimes doctors or pharmacies prioritize profit over their patient's well-being. It also represents the power and control that some people have over others. Doctors are seen as an authority figure, they are extremely intelligent and of course their patients will do wha they tell them to to get better, but they can use that to their advantage, keeping the patients dependent on them and powerless, making them listen and obey to what they say, even if it's keeping them sick, they won't know. The patients represent vulnerable people, they do what the doctors say because they believe that's what its best for them, obviously, they're doctors, their job is to make their patients feel better, but some doctors don't want that, they just want money. 

Social groups | PPT


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Post-Production Post #2 Editing

 Post-Production Post #2 Editing 

     Hey blog! This is my second and last post-production post where I'll be talking about our editing process. To be completely honest, me and my group procrastinated editing quite a bit. None of us are good at it nor do we enjoy doing it, so this was really the part we were least excited for, and to be honest, a little scared for. Of course we're not going to let our fear of failure keep us from being successful. Every time I told myself I was scared for how it would turn out, I would tell myself to never be scared of success, for you to get something right, you have to first get it wrong, that's how we learn and grow. All of us we're dreading starting this process, but once we started, we realized that it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, and we actually did a good job. 

     Since we are editing on my iPad, and there's no way to share the project to edit together, I gave Isa my iPad so she could edit some things. She cut the clips shorter, added the title, added the production company, and added more audios.

     She also added some special effects, one  special effect that she added that I really liked is when we drop food coloring in the beaker, the clip shows the beaker alone, and a drop of blue food coloring falling into it, and Isa made it reverse at the end, which I thought looked really cool. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Post-Production Post #1 Editing

 Post-Production Post #1 Editing 

     Hi everyone! We're now starting our post production posts and I'm going to be talking about our editing process. 

     The first thing me and my group did after recording our two minute film opening, was review the clips and see if they were good enough and if when added together, the time came close to two minutes. We then picked the clips that we decided to use, and cut then to make them shorter if necessary, or muted them if necessary. 

     Me and my group all don't really like or are good at editing, so we decided to divide and conquer! I would be responsible to adding everything together on the app, which we are using Premiere Rush, Gigi is responsible for creating the production company logo, and Isa is responsible to creating the credits. 

     I started by adding all the clips we wanted into the app. I then used music to find an eerie audio for the background of our opening, after picking the audio I wanted, I inserted it into the app. This was how we started our editing process. 

 Pixabay. “Pixabay.”, 2024,

Monday, March 3, 2025

Production Post #4

 Production Post #4

     Hey Cambridge! This is my last post about our production process! 

     For this post I'm going to explain step by step what we did and how we did it. First we chose a day to film, we spent about 6 hours working on it. We set everything up, got our props out and set them up at the table, we got the lighting we wanted and set up the ring light. 

     The first scene we filmed was outside, it's actually the last scene in our opening, but we filmed it first because we needed it to be light out to represent Dr. Hank Shabata going to work in the morning. We used a box of baby wipes to serve as a stand for the tripod to stand over, we then recorded. This scene was my dad, who played Dr. Hank Shabata, walking out of his house for work, and he receives a call from the hospital saying that there was an emergency. After that we started filming everything inside of the garage. We recorded multiple shots, they were all close ups. They showed Dr. Hank making the pills, writing on his notebook, mixing substances, setting up powder, and adding a marble to a jar. After that we also recorded clips in which we didn't need Dr. Hank, they were just short clips of the materials he uses and memories he has. We showed the materials layer out, a baby photo of Dr. Hank, his notebook, and the jars, and that's how our production went. 

Group Meeting #2

 Group Meeting #2       Emi   Idea #1 - Emi's first idea for her CCR is to make an unboxing video, where she is the actress to her film...